ProSimPlus one software Engineering Aflexible Is That do accurate mass And Energy particle for direct object To spectrum wide Oh you From power plants industrial makes it possible
From this program also for Designing At Use From Power plants To Optimization Function the unit diagnosis Or debottlenecking or Rebuilding Or To analyze Engineering is also used. Chemical simulation of process engineering and property modeling can be mentioned as the most important work of this program.
Features and features of ProSimPlus:
- types of different From Nitrogen (CSTR PFR, Etc) With Library Wide From models reaction Chemical: the moment, Roy, kinetic reactioncontrolled, complicated.
- Medium pressure And Or LLV column possible reaction To Distillation, attraction And Or Multi-stage foreclosure
- multi-step separately for Extraction liquid-liquid
- multi-step separate With the transfer Model – the balance non Phase (optional)
- heat How many liquids? disguised (converter Hi thermal Ballet page)
- Equipment To treatment solid (Reservoir facilities Filter, …)
To view all ProSimPlus information go to Here See.
required system
Personal computer with a 386 or faster processor (CPU
A VGA or higher-resolution graphic board and monitor
One 3 1/2″ high-density (1.44 MB) disk drive and a hard drive with 3-5 MB available
A Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device
4 MB of available random access memory (RAM). 8 MB recommended
A Windows compatible printer (if reports and graphs are to be printed
Running MS-DOS version 5.0 or later and Windows version 3.1 or later in 386 enhanced mode
Installation guide
- First, install first Component.exe.
- Then install ProSimPlus&ProSimPlus.exe.
- Run patch.exe.
- Rename the PROSIMWD.DLL file in the windowssystem32 path to PROSIMWD.OLD.
- Run Files.exe.
- Run ProSim. A page will open for you.
- Name: 33C0-LAVTEAM
Enter Password: 1F944DA8-3FB16C64-269FB987-80776907 in it.
! This version is only installed and activated in Windows XP.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
101 MB
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