VERO WorkXplore enables you to perform a variety of measurements on 3D parts. This software also has the ability to determine cutting surfaces, smooth surfaces, thickness, volume, shell, weight with its advanced analytical features. It is also possible to perform cross-sectional dynamic visualization using this software.
Because you can directly add dimensions, geometric measurements, annotations and labeling to your 3D models, you no longer need 2D drawings.
You are using VERO WorkXplore allows you to share 3D models and assembly files with your subcontractors, clients and colleagues through a separate and very small application. Files are simply transferred over the Internet, and the file receipt report and changes are received and displayed on the 3D model.
VERO WorkXplore program opens and processes large and even very large 3D files quickly.
This software includes a set of tools to simplify and optimize 3D model processing. These tools include comparing 3D files, simple or complex cinematic animations and widescreen images.
Features and features of VERO WorkXplore software:
- Simple and practical user interface
- Fast import and export
- Simple measurement
- Annotation
- Analysis functions
- Animation core for displaying widescreen and moving parts
- Help and documentation
- Easy sharing of CAD models with people active in the project
required system
Operating system: Windows® 10 Pro 64 Bits, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2 (NT 4, XP and Vista are not supported by WORKNC)
Processor: Quad Core Intel® Xeon® E5 (4 Cores) Or Intel® Core™ i7-6500U (4 Cores) (Multicore allows to exploit the possibilities of WORKNC)
– Graphics card: Minimum Ram 1GB DDR3, Open/GL 3.3 minimum compatibility(**), Processor Nvidia Quadro recommended
– Hard disk: System disk: 500 GB Disk space 7000 rpm SATA 6.0 GB/s | Data disk: Optional according to the needs of storage (Hard Disk SATA)
Screen: 19″ to 21″ Monitor minimum resolution, 1280×1024
– RAM: 8 GB DDR3 1600Mhz ECC
Installation guide
It is available in the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
download link
Download VERO WorkXplore 2023.1 x64
Download VERO WorkXplore 2021.0.2050 x64
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
477 MB
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