Lyra Starter Game, a sample project of Unreal Engine game engine has been released by UE. Lyra Starter Game is a new sample game project released with UE5. This starter game is being developed alongside Unreal Engine development; This will be a live project that will continue to be upgraded in future releases to reflect our latest efforts to build the game in UE5. While the published feature set is only a baseline, the game is still a great starting point for game developers to create new projects as well as a hands-on learning resource.
Lyra Starter will take on the same role that ShooterGame played in UE4, but it’s more than just a 1:1 replacement: it’s scalable from mobile to high-end PCs and cross-plays multiplayer using the service. It features Epic Online (EOS) and has two different game modes: Expanse (team death match) and Convolution (control point). Then be transported to a legendary world that features new interactive gameplay. Lyra Starter also introduces Mannequins, Manny and Quinn as playable characters. These mannequins are the same skeleton hierarchy as the original MetaHumans with a compatible animation system.
Features and features of the Lyra Starter Game program:
- Cross-platform compatibility and scalability.
- Online multiplayer and cross-play support from Epic online services and console online subsystems
- Possibility to choose between three different game modes: elimination (Team Deathmatch), control (Capture the Control point) and Exploder (a group game from top to bottom)
- A gameplay customization system
- Niagara FX
- UMG widget classes and UI icons for gameplay ideas, including menu settings, controller keys, and displays for health, mana, and ammo. These user interface features are designed to be modular so that you can use their systems in-game independently of Lyra.
- Optimized and customized content including locomotion animation capabilities, sound and weapon system compatible with each agent.
- New UE5 models, Mani and Quinn. These mannequins are playable characters that have the same skeleton hierarchy as the original MetaHumans with a compatible animation system.
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file.
This project is compatible with Engine 5.2
download link
File(s) password: www.downloadly.ir
3.22 GB
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