Trimble Inpho Photogrammetry is one of the leading and most advanced software available in the field of digital photogrammetry, which is developed by Trimble software company. This company has been operating in the field of imaging and making maps and aerial images for more than 30 years, and its software is used as a comprehensive standard in the mapping and imaging industry. Imagery or photogrammetry is a kind of art and science that is used in extracting environmental information from aerial photographs, interpreting aerial and vertical maps and measuring the geometric coordinates of various objects. This software uses the latest imaging techniques and technologies and remote sensing methods to create the best possible results for engineers and surveyors.
The data created by this software is completely accurate and reliable and can be used in the production and development of point clouds, surface models, orthophotos, 3D and 2D maps, land use maps, etc. This software can be used as a powerful software supplement along with other imaging tools and existing hardware and scanners. The quality of images and final projects Radiometry and geometry is guaranteed. It is possible to easily scan analog images and convert them into digital images.
Features and features of Trimble Info Photogrammetry software
- Providing different software modules for sensitive and specialized projects
- automatic aerial triangulation
- Automatic and quick adjustment of all cameras
- Compatibility with various cameras and hardware of Trimble, Leica, Vexcel, IGI, Phase One and…
- Creating homogeneous and accurate orthomosaics
- Adjust and combine thousands of orthophotos received from different sources and create a unified orthomosaic
- Detailed urban mapping
- Automatic and fast creation of digital terrain toll model (dtm) by combining aerial and satellite images
- The possibility of receiving information from ArcGIS software, AutoCAD, Global Mapper And Microstation
System requirements for Trimble Info Photogrammetry software
Multicore PC workstation (1 license supports up to 24 cores)
Minimum 32 GB RAM, recommended 64 GB RAM
High-capacity disk system (SSD preferred)
NVIDIA graphics board to use GPU processing
Windows 10 / 64 bit
Special hardware for state of the art stereoscopic point measurement:
- – stereo-capable graphics card supporting OpenGL quad-buffered stereo (recommended NVIDIA Quadro graphics boards)
- – stereo viewing system (eg PluraView)
- – optional color anaglyphs available for standard non-3D capable monitors and/or non-3D capable graphic cards
- – Support for professional 3D hardware such as 3D cursors
Support of 4K monitors
Open for any UAS hardware, multi-copter, fixed-wing or hand-held frame camera or fixed wing
Supporting large size images (up to 102 MPixel)
Close range 3D projects up to a project size of 300 GPixel
Supported image formats:
- – Georeferenced orthos: GeoTIFF, TiffWorld (tfw)
- – Tiff, JPG, BigTiff (optional EXIF)
Supported point-cloud / morphology formats:
- – LAS(1.2-1.4), LasZIP, XYZ, BXYZ, WNP, SHP, DXF
For information about the required system and other hardware and software prerequisites of different software modules to This link See.
Trimble Inpho Photogrammetry software installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
download link
Trimble Info Photogrammetry v12.1.1 x64
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.86 GB
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