FEMGV is a general-purpose analytical software for pre-processing and post-processing by finite element method as well as computational fluid dynamics. This product has a very wide user community and this expansion of the consumer market is related to the special features of this software. For example, the good visualization of this program even for complex models, the attractiveness of its graphical interface, the possibility of good customization of the program, the variety of different solutions to solve problems, compatibility with most CAD software and similar cases can be the reasons for this wide trend. Something you might rarely find in similar products.
This software accepts a wide range of CAD formats as program input models, which at the same time provides you with extensive tools and capabilities to customize the imported models. Specifications such as material model, threshold or boundary conditions, pressure tests and measurement of mesh flexibility can be performed directly on the imported models. This program has a powerful 2D and 3D mesh generator that produces the desired meshes for linear, element-based, or volume-based meshes. One of the special capabilities of this product is that it has different interfaces for important engineering software. For example, easily use the features of this program in software such as Ansys, ABAQUS, DIANA, etc. This program can be used in two working models, batch or graphic. The output results of the program are of high quality and can be saved and printed in different formats.
Features and features of FEMGV software:
- Ability to import various CAD formats
- It has different interfaces for a wide range of FEA and CFD software
- Ability to work on multiple files in batches through defined commands
- The possibility of developing new interfaces by the provided libraries
- Ability to rotate, resize, zoom and other conventional functions on the model
- The ability to display the model in wireframe format
- Ability to use light sources and shadows to make the model realistic
- Support for multiple monitors
- Very good customization of the app
- And …
required system
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven / 8
Installation guide
After installation, copy the file in the Crack folder to the software installation location.
download link
Download TNO DIANA FEMGV 7.2-01 x64
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
319 MB
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