component tms fnc blox This allows programmers to add the ability to draw diagrams and flowcharts to their program.
Features and features of TMS FNC Blox:
- The possibility of drawing blocks and lines with the best quality
- open architectureOpen architecture) to create custom blocks and the possibility of inheriting from base classes
- Ready-to-use flowchart, flash and electrical blocks (electric block)
- It allows the points to which the links are connected to be adjustable and allows the connection of information to the block
- The possibility of designing blocks in the form of gradient, shadow and bitmap
- Fully customize the block: font, brush, color, selection color, minimum width and height
- Customize block text: horizontal and vertical alignment, font, word closure, truncation
- The link points in the blocks can be programmed
- Customization link: font, source arrow shape, target arrow shape
- Arc and Bezier lines, polygonal objects
- Block rotation supported (including text, bitmap and tilt)
- Detach the TTMSFNCBloxToolBar component for easy diagram editing without any lines of code
- Diagram snap grid
- Diagram rules
- Save/load charts to/from file and stream
- Zoom in and out chart
- Panning
- Clipboard operations, add and remove objects, zoom and more.
Supported platforms and operating systems
- VCL Win32/Win64
- FMX Win32/Win64, macOS, iOS, Android
- LCL Win32/Win64, macOS, iOS, Android, numerous Linux variants including Raspbian
required system
for Delphi XE7, XE8, 10 Seattle, 10.1 Berlin, 10.2 Tokyo
Installation guide
To install the program, it is enough to select the executable file according to your IDE and install it. At the end of the installation, before running the IDE, refer to the crack branch and copy the appropriate editing to the IDE in the installation location of the program.
download link
Download TMS FNC Blox_1.0.2.5 XE7-XE10.2
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
244 MB
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