TMS Cryptography Pack Contains powerful and up-to-date algorithms to perform most cryptographic operations. This collection includes Algorithm encoding/decoding, signing/verifying, hashing and verifying the identity of data and files.
Features and features of the TMS Cryptography Pack component:
- AES MAC for data authentication
- Salsa20 for data encryption and decryption
- PBKDF2 password keys based on PKCS
- SHA 2 to generate hashes according to FIPS 180-4
- Blake2 to generate hashes and support from Argon2
- EdDSA for signature and verification with Edwards elliptic curves
- SHA 3 to generate hashes according to FIPS 202 draft
- Speck for encryption and decryption with low power chips
- Argon2 to extract keys from passwords, won the password hashing contest
- AES Galois Counter Mode for data verification according to NIST SP 800-30D
- RIPEMD-160 for hash generation (eg for blockchain/bitcoin compatibility)
- Support functions for encoding/decoding various standard formats (e.g. Base64)
- AES (all standard modes and key sizes) for encryption and decryption according to FIPS 197
- ECIES for elliptic curve encryption and decryption, AES and SHA2 (used for key exchange)
- RSA (OAEP and PSS) for signing data with a key size of up to 4096 bits or encryption and decryption (for exchanging keys)
required system
XE3, XE4, XE6, XE7, XE8, D10, D10.1, D10.2, D10.3
Installation guide
Usually the versions are released as source code or with a crack.
download link
Download TMS Cryptography Pack v4.3.2.2 Sources (December 21, 2021)
Download TMS Cryptography Pack for 10.4 Sydney
Download TMS Cryptography Pack for 10.3 Rio
Download TMS Cryptography Pack_(Demo & Source Code) for 10.3 Rio
Download TMS Cryptography Pack_(Demo & Source Code) for 10.2 Tokyo
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
38 MB
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