DotNetBrowser is the name of the .NET library for programmers and developers. With the help of this tool, you can display modern web pages by integrating the Chromium-based browser in .NET programs. In fact, with the help of this library, it is possible to view web pages made with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, etc. technologies. Support for WPF and WinForms graphics systems in this programming tool has made it possible for you to view web pages with modern technologies.
The DotNetBrowser tool will also not interfere with any existing Chrome or Chromium installations on your computer. All binaries and dependencies required by Chromium are installed by installing this library. As a result, you will not need to have Google Chrome, Chromium or Visual C to work with this library. Taking advantage of the multi-step process in the execution and display of modern web pages makes you as a user watch exactly the same page that you see in Google Chrome in this tool.
The multi-step process mentioned earlier is an architecture that makes different parts of a web page load separately and display the output from the page in the best possible way. This is useful when your application will continue to run if an unexpected error occurs in the plugin or page DOM. It should be noted that this library will not use the memory of your .NET application.
Features and features of the DotNetBrowser component:
- Ease of use API and simple getting started guide
- Benefit from extensive documentation to help you use this library
- Using Chromium technology to display modern web pages
- Support for WPF and WinForms .NET graphic systems controls
- Benefiting from the technology of separate loading of different parts of the page (Multi-Process Architecture)
- Not using the memory of your .NET application thanks to the Chromium engine
- And…
required system
DotNetBrowser runs on Windows, both 32- and 64-bit:
Microsoft Windows
Windows 10
Windows 8 & 8.1
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012
Microsoft Visual Studio
.NET Framework
4.0 or higher
Installation guide
It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
143 MB
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