spMats is a powerful software for designing and analyzing the foundation of residential and industrial buildings. Engineers use the capabilities of this program to improve the design of complex foundations, strengthen them and the interaction of soil and structure. In the past, this software was known as pcaMats and MATS, and in recent years it has changed to its new name, spMats. By using this product, it is possible to analyze and design all types of concrete foundations, composite or reinforced concrete slabs. Concrete slabs in this program are modeled using a combination of assembleable elements, which makes it easier to design this type of foundations.
Using spMats, it is also possible to design based on the limit method. This method is included in a number of European regulations and its purpose is to complete the final resistance of the structure against limit pressures. By using this software, different limit conditions can be predicted and the design can be done based on it. This program automatically and based on the building regulations ACI 318-14/11/08/05/02 and CSA A23.3-14/04/94 the amount and number of metal beams and columns needed to strengthen the desired foundation calculates It is also possible to perform shear punch calculations around columns and piles. This program models the behavior of slabs and mats using the theory of shear deformation as well as the finite element method or FEM, and for this reason, it has high accuracy in modeling.
Features and features of spMats software:
- Automatic numbering of nodes and parts
- Simple graphical interface
- Simple operation of the program using the mouse
- Ability to change any part of the design at any stage of the project
- Ability to adjust the grid of points for easier design of parts
- Ability to zoom in on a specific area and also move the design
- 3D display of modeled slabs and the possibility of rotating them using the mouse
- Support 255 vertical and horizontal lines for grid
- Ability to use 255 levels of line thickness
- Support for 65025 nodes and 64516 separate elements in a project
- Support for different measurement units
required system
Any computer running MS Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7/8/10 is sufficient to run spMats. Memory of 8GB or higher is crucial for larger models.
Initial installation and licensing requires Administrator privileges.
Running models stored on network servers may delay output results retrieval depending on network speed.
Installation guide
Copy the file in the Crack folder to the software installation location.
! In the case of version 8, the previous crack of this software was cracked as a dll file, which had the problem of license expiration. If you use this crack on your system, reinstall the software so that this file is replaced with the original file, then replace the new crack.
download link
Download StructurePoint spMats 10.00
Download StructurePoint spMats 8.12
Download StructurePoint spMats 8.12 Fixed Crack Only
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
196 MB
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