Oxford Dictionary of English is the famous Oxford English to English dictionary for Android devices. With more than 350 thousand words, this dictionary is one of the best and most complete English to English dictionaries for Android. In this dictionary, Oxford is not satisfied only with the simple meaning of the words and provides complete information about the desired word. This information includes the scientific, historical and etymological aspects of the word. Also, for each word, you can hear its real pronunciation with a natural human voice. It should be noted that this pronunciation was recorded for each word in real form and no machine pronunciation was used in any way.
350,000 words will not be useful without an efficient search, that’s why the manufacturer has built an advanced search feature in this program, which will make it very easy to find words. In addition to normal search, you can also perform fuzzy search based on keywords or wildcards. For example, you can easily find two-word verbs of which you have forgotten one of the words, or words that start or end with specific letters.
In the word meaning section, the different meanings of the word are numbered and displayed separately, which is accompanied by various examples. One of the interesting features of this program is the possibility of offline use. In this case, you will not need to use the Internet to find the words, and you will be able to use the program completely offline. You can easily find similar words and synonyms for a specific word. It is also possible to display the definition of words through the phone’s camera in this program.
Features and features of Oxford Dictionary of English:
- More than 350 thousand words with the possibility of offline use
- Auto completion of words when searching and predicting words
- Ability to find similar words
- Advanced search engine with the possibility of fuzzy search or with wildcards
- The possibility of using the camera to translate words directly
- Ability to share word definitions with other people
- Ability to add words to the list of favorites
- Display the list of searched words
- Display a selected word each day
- Has a dedicated widget to display words randomly
- Natural pronunciation of words with human voice
- No ads
- And …
required system
Oxford Dictionary of English System Requirements
Android 4.1+
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file to copy the data.
download link
Download Oxford_Dictionary_of_English_v9.1.283
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
107 MB
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