MLSkin is a Delphi skin component that is based on Delphi standard components. This component is similar to the VCL standard components in Delphi, but their display style is completely different.
Currently, this collection uses more than 50 common elements, offers more than 20 practical demos that can easily and quickly achieve the effect you want.
Features and features of MLSkin
- One-click skin support, adjust the image and color to the background, form, color, saturation and brightness of the skin can be adjusted freely
- The main image resource management library can easily and quickly manage the images needed in the application.
- The main image feature supports direct support for the image ID or the exact path of the local image file to call the image source
- The shadow and shape of the form are easy to implement, so you only need to set up two images
- Any number of images, buttons and text can be added as a title bar.
- Memo, Edit, ListView and other components support transparent background, border effect can be customized.
- Changing toolbar settings, display style is very nice and supports horizontal and vertical screen
- Menu beauty, support transparency, just set a photo, you can make the menu style different
- The MainMenu can be shown in the title bar and the screen position can be customized.
- Includes several standard VCL components: ColorButton, SwitchButton, etc
required system
Delphi7, Delphi2007, Delphi2009, Delphi2010, DelphiXE, DelphiXE2, DelphiXE3, DelhpiXE4, DelphiXE5, DelphiXE6, DelphiXE7, DelphiXE8, Delphi10.Seattle, Delphi10.1.Berlin, Delphi10.2.Tokyo
Installation guide
To install the above component, just select one of the specified folders according to your IDE. It should be noted that for each revision there is a file with bpl extension that you have to open and install in Install Component.
download link
Download MlSkin_VCL_v3.6_D7-X10.2_FullSource
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