Korf Hydraulics is a practical software for calculating the flow rate and pressure intensity in pipes and piping networks. This program has a user-friendly and simple interface and has focused a lot on the ease of operation of the program. By using this flexible software, you can easily calculate all kinds of calculations related to the flow rate in different parts of the piping network and pressure intensity and issues like this. It doesn’t matter if this network is a simple pipe or a complex set of different pipes that are intertwined with different shapes and architectures. All types of calculations that can be done in simple networks are also easily available in complex networks. This program has been used by various engineering companies in different countries, and in this way, it has proven its effectiveness in practice.
Features and features of Korf Hydraulics software:
- Advanced but simple user interface
- The possibility of complete reporting of different parts of the project
- Using different databases for different pipes, including non-cylindrical pipes
- The possibility of automatically determining the appropriate size of pipes and preventing the use of pipes with the wrong size
- The possibility of performing two and three phases of flash calculations
- Ability to use Hysys and Aspe data for flash calculations
- Ability to display connections based on Le/D, Crane K or Hooper 2-K methods
- The possibility of calculating the heat loss of pipes with a relatively accurate estimate
- Tools for quick calculation related to pipes, cavities and entrances and exits, control valves and safety valves and…
- And …
required system
Korf Hydraulics requires an IBM compatible PC running Windows 98 or better and 10 MB hard drive space.
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
5 MB
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