Java One of the most popular languages Programming is that the compiler delivers the output of the written codes in the form of a jar file. In fact, jar files are a container for Java binary classes and resources, but if you pay attention, none of the famous programs written in Java language have an extension of jar, but like other Windows software, they are exe. RegExLab Jar2Exe software is a useful tool to convert jar files into executable files for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Another advantage of using this program is providing more security for jar files. Although with special tools, most of the executable files can be recognized as unpacked and its programming language, but leaving the compiled Java programs with the same famous jar extension even removes the need to use unpacked tools from the shoulders of the crackers. By converting the jar file to exe, all the program files will be converted into an executable exe package and this will be a little more difficult. This program performs the conversion operation step by step and there is enough guide for all available parameters and settings.
RegExLab Jar2Exe also has a command line terminal, which is a very good choice for professionals who don’t feel like using a graphical interface. By encrypting the contents of the program, this software increases its security and reduces the possibility of intrusion. It should be mentioned that all program libraries are stored in the same exe file and there is no need to place these libraries next to the program. RegExLab Jar2Exe software also automatically includes the most optimal settings for your executable file.
Features and features of RegExLab Jar2Exe:
- Easier implementation of programs Java By converting to exe
- Providing high security for executable files
- Apply optimal settings
- Injection of all program libraries inside the file
- Binary file generation for Windows, Linux and Mac
- And …
required system
– Jar2Exe tool requires: Windows 2000 or above.
– Generated binary file requires: Windows 98/NT 4 or above; Linux 2.6.x; Mac OS X 10.6 or above.
Installation guide
After installation, copy and replace the file in the Crack folder in the installation location of the program.
download link
Download RegExLab Jar2Exe
Download RegExLab Jar2Exe Portable
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
Installed version: 17 MB
Portable version: 9 MB
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