FANUC ROBOGUIDE is a comprehensive package in the field of robotics. In fact, the software in front of you is a powerful tool for robot modeling and simulation. By benefiting from the necessary tools for computer modeling, this software allows you to build and simulate your desired robot in a 3D environment. You can also program your modeled robots by this software.
Using FANUC ROBOGUIDE software will make your modeled plan have the least errors. This has been made possible by considering different aspects of the work. You, as a user, can add creativity to your work while using this software. The creators of this software believe that you will not have any limitations in your ideas. Different solutions for planning and programming robotics are among the advantages of using this software.
You can also use this software in addition to modeling to debug and test the built robots. Also, this software, like other products of FANUC, is in full interaction with other software of this company. Modeling, testing and troubleshooting of robots can be done well with this software.
Facilities and features of FANUC ROBOGUIDE package:
- Providing comprehensive solutions for robot modeling
- No restrictions on implementing your ideas and turning them into smart robots
- The possibility of planning and programming robots offline
- Benefiting from two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces for your modeling
- Significant reduction of your error and cost due to high operational accuracy
- The possibility of debugging and testing robots simulated by this program
- And…
required system
Recommended minimum
Operating System
Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Windows 64-bit version recommended.
Processor Type
AMD Athlon 64 3200+, Pentium IV 2.4 Ghz
Core(TM)2 Quad or higher recommended.
Processor Speed 2.4 Ghz
System Memory 1 GB; 4 GB recommended.
Video Card:
RAM 512 MB
Resolution 1280×1024
Color Depth 24-bit color
Hardware Features OpenGL Hardware Support
Free hard disk space 4 GB
Additional hardware: Ethernet, DVD 32x, Mouse
OS Requirements
Sign in local Administrator user to install product and register full version of software. Internet Explorer 11
Normal font size (96 DPI).
Port 3002 should not be used for other purposes.
ROBOGUIDE can use IP address
When RIPE is used, ROBOGUIDE can use IP address 127.0.0.n (n>=1).
Computer name must be AZ, az, 0-9 or ‘-‘.
Virtual PC, VMWare and similar software are not supported.
Windows XP Mode of Windows 7 is not supported.
Remote desktop is not supported.
Windows RT is not supported.
Comma decimal separator is not supported.
You cannot use Guest account for ROBOGUIDE.
Touch panel operation is not supported.
Installation guide
It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
3.11 GB
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