CATIA software (abbr computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application) is one of the most famous and powerful computer-aided design, engineering and analysis software (CAD/CAM/CAE), which is a product of the French company Dassault Systèmes or DS for short. With modeling environments, surfaces, machining, finite element analysis and mechanisms design and analysis environment, Katia is considered a very comprehensive design, analysis and production software. The integration of Ketia environments makes all the stages of design and construction to be done in one place, and as a result, it aims to reduce costs and increase productivity. The main competitors of this software are SIEMENS PLM NX and PTC Creo.
Features and features of the software CATIA :
– Powerful and professional user interface
– Designing and assembling all kinds of parts, drawing surfaces, all kinds of structures, factories, etc.
– Ability to simulate sheet metal work
– Making composite models of surface and volume
– Independent finite element analysis environment
– The possibility of molding and machining
– Has plumbing design facilities
– Ability to quickly move between different environments and communicate between them
– Ability to define dependent dimensions for use in complex models
– Keeping the history of the changes made
– View future changes when adding a new feature
required system
This software is only compatible with Windows 7 and newer; The hardware and software requirements for this version have not been made publicly available on the manufacturer’s site, and there is a table of recommended hardware for different versions under the 64-bit edition of Windows 7, which includes Here Is visible.
Installation guide
It is available in the text file inside the Crack folder.
Install versions 2018 to 2020
Steps 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are only for the 2020 version and are written based on the installation in Windows 10; To install in Windows 7, see these steps in the Readme file.
- It is recommended to disconnect your internet connection during installation.
- Extract or mount DS.CATIA.P3.V5-6R20xx.iso and install the software by running the setup.exe file and do not run it after installation.
- If needed, install the latest update provided by extracting or mounting the update ISO file and running WIN64startspk.exe.
- By running Services from the start menu, find the Backbone service and select Stop from the right-click menu and then select Disabled from Properties -> startup type.
- Copy and replace the contents of the Cracked Files or similar folder in the software installation path (default: C:Program FilesDassault SystemesB{30|29|28}win_b64codebin).
- Run Device Manager from the start menu, click on your computer’s name, and select add legacy hardware from the Action menu. Then click on Next -> install the hardware that I manually select from a list -> next -> next -> Have Disk and then by clicking on Browse, select the virtnet60.inf file in the Crack -> VirtNet folder and then Click OK -> Next -> Next and wait until the driver installation is finished
- After installing the driver, from the Network adapters group, right-click VirtNet Network Adapter and click Disable Device.
- From the start menu, run Regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMControlSet001ControlClass{4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}, click the left arrow {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} And by selecting each of the following keys, find the VirtNetMacAddress key from the right side (most likely it is in the lowest numeric key)
- Double click on VirtNetMacAddress, delete the value inside it and type 3085A994CF91. Then click OK and close this window. (Note: only change the key with the same name and in the same path. Wrong changes in the registry can cause problems)
- From the Network adapters group, right-click VirtNet Network Adapter and click Enable Device.
- Run Catia, from the menu Tools -> Options and the Licensing tab, find the following items in the Configurations section and uncheck them:
To install Documentation version 2019, Should not VC++ 2015 must be installed on your system! If it is installed, first remove it and then proceed to install Documentation. After installation, you can install VC++ 2015 again.
! By default, the 32-bit version of the 2015 version provided by the manufacturer cannot be installed in 32-bit Windows and is only installed in 64-bit Windows; The solution is to use the Setup.bat file instead of the setup.exe file.
Version 2021 on August 9, 1401 and version 2020 on December 18, 1400 were installed on Windows 10 64-bit edition and successfully activated using the new license. The 2017 version was also activated on July 5, 1996 in a similar system.
Note: The modified license of the 2020 version is set with a different MAC address. If you have a previous license (which has expired) on your system, replace the new license and follow steps 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the guide above. (just change the MAC address from 10E7C61B9F4D to 3085A994CF91)
download link
Download from Dassault Systèmes
2.08 + 1.39 GB
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