Phast is a software for consequence analysis, a tool that safety engineers use to assess the risk of industrial activities, and to determine the amount of possible risks and losses due to accidents.
Predicting and modeling accidents before they happen has always been one of the hopes of safety engineers. In this regard, there are many techniques and methods. But modeling the consequences of accidents without the use of expert software is very time-consuming and mostly error-prone. software Fast It is one of several products by the company DNV, one of the pioneers of risk assessment and industrial accidents, has been prepared. As a result, this software is known as one of the decision-making tools of companies and governments in the matter of industrial risks and public safety.
Phast It has been extensively reviewed and evaluated. In addition, the results obtained from a separate study of the comprehensive outcome model UDMthat by DNV has been presented, it shows that both the theory and the ability of this model are very effective in predicting events. This special software modeling fire, explosion and release …Toxic substances are in industrial units and are currently being purchased and used by the world’s largest oil and gas companies .
Modeling the consequences of possible incidents in a process unit is one of the most important stages of risk assessment. This stage includes modeling the release of substances in the environment, followed by modeling the consequences of toxicity, ignition or explosion of these substances. Nowadays, this stage is done by computer software due to the complexity of modeling relationships and the time-consuming nature of solving them. softwareFast It models events such as fire and explosion of tanks and pipes and graphically displays the results including the impact range. These results are used in the planning of emergency response and risk protection of complexes.
Features and features of Phast software:
– Predicting events before they happen
– Modeling events before they happen
– Modeling the consequences of accidents
– Risk caused by industrial activities
– Determining the amount of risks
– Possible losses due to accidents
required system
Windows 10/11
Installation guide
It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
Version 8.4 was successfully installed and activated on August 2, 1402 in Windows 11 64-bit edition.
Version 8.22 on 7D1402 was successfully installed and activated on Windows 11 64-bit edition.
download link
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DNV GL AS Fast Safety – License Expired
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Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
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