Corel Painter software for digital painting Is. This program allows digital designers to create the beautiful artwork they have in mind with various tools such as disturbed textures, types of brushes, gradients and natural images.
Corel-Painter, like Photoshop, is a program based on raster graphics or bitmaps, and it tries very carefully to make digital painting possible like natural painting. Because this program tries to create natural paintings in the digital world, it has tried very hard in the design of tools to have an accurate simulation like the real world of different brushes, oil paints, colored pencils, fan brushes, charcoal pens and other tools. Well, this will make the traditional designer who steps into the world of digital painting feel comfortable. Of course, keep in mind that some of these features are dependent on graphic tablets and optical pens. For example, the stroke thickness property of the brush tool can only be applied if you use a light pen. Painter also uses layers like Photoshop, and the designer can draw different parts of the design/exposure on different layers and edit each of the layers separately, which is almost impossible in the real world. Is.
required system
Windows 10 (64-Bit), Windows 8.1 (64-Bit), or Windows 7 (64-Bit), with the latest updates
Intel Core 2 or AMD Athlon 64 processor, 2 GHz or faster
2 GB RAM (8 GB RAM or higher recommended)
1 GB hard disk space for application files*
1280 x 800 screen resolution (1920 x 1080 recommended)
Mouse or tablet
DVD drive (required for box installation)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or higher, with the latest updates
To activate your product, you must connect to the Internet and register it first
*Additional space may be required for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6
Installation guide
It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
download link
Download Corel_Painter 2023 v23.0.0.244 Multilingual x64
Download Corel_Painter 2022 v22.0.0.164 Multilingual x64
Download Corel_Painter 2022 v22.0.1.171 Update Only x64
Download Corel Painter 2022 v22.1.121 macOS
Corel Painter 2022 (incl. Corel Premium Brush Packs) v22.0.1.171 macOS
Download Corel_Painter 2021 v21.0.0.211 Multilingual x64
Download Corel_Painter 2020 v20.0.0.256 Incl. Corel Premium Brush Packs
Download Corel_Painter 2019 v19.1.0.487 Windows
Download Corel_Painter 2020 v20.1.0.285 macOS
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
Windows version: 832 MB
Mac version: 798 MB / 3.91 GB
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