Cebas ThinkingParticles is a professional plugin for creating particle effects in the filmmaking, gaming and special effects industries. Many blockbuster projects and films have used this tool to create visual effects and special effects. This plugin provides all the tools needed to simulate elements such as rain, explosion, fire, smoke, etc., which require particles and small particles. People in the software Terry D MaxCinema 4D, Maya, by adding this practical plugin, they can create special effects in the movie.
Features and features of Cebas ThinkingParticles:
- Surface Force Operator: Allows you to create a force field and replace particles directly. This new force operator is suitable for creating waves and other particle effects with greater ease and amazing flexibility.
- Water Level: The new particle generator offers many creative ways to create particles. With a simple click you can fill the landscape, pit and lakes created in the scene.
- OpenVDBShape: A fast light, smoke and cloud tool that offers an optimized multi-threaded approach to surface generation with flexibility and filtering options.
- ShapeDeform: It provides a completely procedural approach to reshaping objects inside thoughtParticles.
- Volume Diffusion: Simulating real volume diffusion is hard, but can be done in thinkingParticles. Any quantity associated with a particle can be propagated in a precise and completely physical volume or method. Expanding color, warmth or any amount is simple.
required system
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7 even or newer
Software Prerequisites: Autodesk 3Ds Max 2018
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file.
download link
Download Cebas_ThinkingParticles_6.6.0.134_for_3ds_Max_2018_x64
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
37 MB
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