Bunifu is a suitable framework for creating beautiful interfaces in C# and Visual Basic languages. Creating professional UIs in any program and in any language and environment always consumes a large part of the programming team’s power. Creating a suitable user interface is a difficult task, especially if you have high sensitivities. In addition, the discussion of user interface design is a specialized topic and it is not the case that a good programmer is necessarily a good designer.
This framework makes it much easier to design professional, beautiful and modern interfaces. There are more than 25 beautiful and eye-catching components in this collection, which include controls, transitions and attractive animations. All controls and transitions can be customized. For the controls, it is possible to change the default properties, so it is not difficult to change the appearance of the controls in this set. In this collection, it has been tried to reduce the amount of coding to a minimum so that the programmer can focus more on the logic of the code than on the design of the program controls, but with all this, wherever you need to change and customize the controls, you will reach your goal with a little time. .
Among the components of this collection, we can mention the calendar control, various check boxes, radio buttons, flat buttons with different styles, switch and on/off controls, progress bar, data grid, color selection window, etc. The datagrid control in this package has high customization capabilities, you can change the color of the datagrid lines one by one, you have full control over the padding and text distance from the cells, styling the datagrid header is also an easy task. If you already have the experience of working with controls of other companies, working with this set will not be too time-consuming for you. However, if you encounter a problem somewhere, you can learn how to use the desired component by referring to the documents, online guide and ready codes.
List of Bunifu UI controls:
How To Use DropDown Menu Control
How To Use Bunifu Drag Control
Bunifu Ellipse Component – Adds rounded corners to forms and controls
How to use BunifuRange control
How to use BunifuRating Control
How to use line buttons
How to use BunifuMetroTextBox Control
How to use BunifuMaterialTextBox Control
How to use BunifuThinButton Control
Animator is not found in tool bar?
Gauge control code example
required system
Bunifu UI and Bunifu Dataviz currently work for C# and VB.NET languages, specifically and specially designed for Windows Forms applications.
Minimum System Requirements
To effectively get the most out of our tools, your system needs to meet the following minimum requirements:
- Visual Studio 2012 or later (recommended).
As a developer, you need to:
- Have a basic knowledge of C# or VB.NET.
Installation guide
Read the Readme file in the Crack folder.
download link
Bunifu UI WinForms
Download Bunifu UI WinForms 6.1
Download Bunifu UI WinForms 6.0.2
Download Bunifu UI WinForms 5.0.3
Download Bunifu UI WinForms v4.1.1
Download Bunifu_UI WinForms
Bunifu Dataviz WinForms
Download Bunifu Dataviz WinForms 2.2.1
Download Bunifu Dataviz WinForms 2.1.5
Download Bunifu Dataviz v2.1.4
Download Bunifu_Dataviz Advanced
Bunifu_Charts WinForms
Download Bunifu_Charts WinForms 1.0.1
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
3.6 MB
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