ASCommNET is designed for .NET developers.
The AS.CommNET tool provides the possibility of communicating between .NET applications and a wide range of industrial devices using industrial communication protocols.
Use Visual Basic, C#, C++, and ASP.NET to create HMI, SCADA, data logging, and IIoT applications designed on Win, WPF, Web, Console, Service, and Linux platforms.
Powerful pre-built applications with VB and C# code included in the development package.
Features and features of ASCommNET
- Compatible with x86, x64 and any CPU
- Compatible with Visual Studio.NET 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2017
- Most .NET targets are supported, including Web, Win Forms, WPF, console, and service applications.
- Building Windows forms and console programs that run on Linux with the Mono framework.
- Can be configured programmatically or visually
- Visually design all communication settings without writing a single line of code
- Super high performance
- All drivers in a single component, providing a consistent API regardless of the brand or model of the target device.
- Multiple groups can be created per device to accommodate different update rates
- Support for data changes and error events
- Built-in serialization allows you to save all of your communication settings with one complete line of code
- The component only implements several concurrent protocols
- Licensing can be done via the internet, phone or email
- Extensive documentation
- High quality applications with C# and VB source code
- The possibility of using and transferring licenses between devices
- Instant online delivery and online license activation.
- No runtime or key fees for eligible programs
ASCommNET images
Installation guide
Use the ascomm_kg_Downloadly.ir.exe file to crack the program.
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