Autodesk Revit Architecture is based on the basic Revit software and provides design capabilities for architects. Autodesk Revit Architecture software includes design, analysis, documentation, visualization and display sections, each section includes complete tools that help architects in the project process.
Autodesk Revit Structure is another member of the Autodesk Revit family, which is dedicated and optimized for designing structures. Autodesk Revit Structure software has become a comprehensive and appropriate tool for structural engineering by using the latest BIM (Building Design Modeling) methods and the use of static laws and resistance of materials and their combination.
The term MEP stands for three words: Electrical, Mechanical, and Plumbing. Autodesk Revit MEP software is another program in the Revit family that provides electrical, mechanical, and plumbing design capabilities for a variety of construction projects. This software, like other Autodesk Revit series programs, fully supports BIM or building design modeling.
Features and features of the software Autodesk Revit Architecture :
– Designing and drawing all types of walls, doors, windows, columns, etc. based on the BIM building design modeling model
– Preparation of building plans in compliance with the latest international standards
– Static analysis and energy analysis of the building
– Having a comprehensive library of required parts and tools
– Documenting and organizing different parts of the project
– Determining the amount of required materials and estimating its cost
– Making automatic changes in the model, according to the new changes applied by the user
– The ability to display 3D design and virtual circulation in all its parts with the possibility of recording and saving it in animation format
– Coordination and integration with AutoCAD and 3ds Max software and common architectural specialized software
Features and features of the software Autodesk Revit Structure :
– Designing and drawing complex structures with complete tools
– Using different parameters in design with guidance
– Structural analysis of designed structures, including their static and energy analysis
– Strengthening the structure using concrete in its different parts
– The ability to combine different materials with each other to estimate their resistance
– Documenting the design with the possibility of editing, annotation, detail display
– The possibility of displaying Displaced mode and separate parts of the structure
– 3D visualization of the structure with the possibility of recording and saving its virtual circulation
– Support for DGN, DWF, DXF and DWG formats and coordination with specialized structural design software
Features and features of the software Autodesk Revit MEP :
– Designing and modeling all kinds of mechanical parts such as elevators, firefighting equipment, air conditioners and heating and cooling systems, etc.
– Designing and drawing the map related to the wiring and electrical network of the building
– Preparation of the route map of building pipes
– Ability to analyze and fix defects in different parts of the project
– Ability to combine MEP models and triple maps
– Use of colors to show more accurate and distinct electrical elements
– The possibility of annotating and documenting the plan and managing it
– Can be used in groups with simultaneous users
– Support DGN, DWF, DXF and DWG formats
The tips of this collection :
– From version 2015 onwards, Autodesk Revit suite is offered only in 64-bit edition.
– Autodesk software is often published in two forms, the main file from the Autodesk site – which is known as sfx – and also in ISO form. The ISO version is no different from the original version and only the files are extracted and placed in the image along with the activator. Due to the higher volume of the ISO version and also some installation problems, the sfx version is included.
– Usually, the Autodesk software suite activator is released as a public crack by the XFORCE group, and this version is the same.
– Newer versions of this software have not been published by Autodesk.
required system
Minimum: Entry-Level Configuration
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1/8/8.1 x64
CPU Type
Single- or Multi-Core Intel® Pentium®, Xeon®, or i-Series processor or AMD® equivalent with SSE2 technology. Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended
Autodesk® Revit® software products will use multiple cores for many tasks, using up to 16 cores for near-photorealistic rendering operations
4GB of RAM
Usually sufficient for a typical editing session for a single model up to approximately 100 MB on disk. This estimate is based on internal testing and customer reports. Individual models will vary in their use of computer resources and performance characteristics
Models created in previous versions of Revit software products may require more available memory for the one-time upgrade process
Video Display
1,280×1,024 with true color
Video Adapter
: Basic Graphics
Display adapter capable of 24-bit color
: Advanced Graphics
DirectX® 11 capable graphics card with Shader Model 3 as recommended by Autodesk
Disk Space
5GB free disk space
Pointing Device
MS-Mouse or 3Dconnexion® compliant device
Value: Balanced price and performance
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1/8/8.1 x64
CPU Type
Multi-Core Intel® Xeon®, or i-Series processor or AMD® equivalent with SSE2 technology. Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended
Autodesk® Revit® software products will use multiple cores for many tasks, using up to 16 cores for near-photorealistic rendering operations
8GB of RAM
Usually sufficient for a typical editing session for a single model up to approximately 300 MB on disk. This estimate is based on internal testing and customer reports. Individual models will vary in their use of computer resources and performance characteristics
Models created in previous versions of Revit software products may require more available memory for the one-time upgrade process
Video Display
1,680×1,050 with true color
Video Adapter
DirectX® 11 capable graphics card with Shader Model 3 as recommended by Autodesk
Disk Space
5GB free disk space
Performance: Large, complex models
Operating System ⊃1
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1/8/8.1 x64
CPU Type
Multi-Core Intel® Xeon®, o
r i-Series processor or AMD® equivalent with SSE2 technology. Highest affordable CPU speed rating recommended
Autodesk® Revit® software products will use multiple cores for many tasks, using up to 16 cores for near-photorealistic rendering operations
16GB of RAM
Usually sufficient for a typical editing session for a single model up to approximately 700 MB on disk. This estimate is based on internal testing and customer reports. Individual models will vary in their use of computer resources and performance characteristics
Models created in previous versions of Revit software products may require more available memory for the one-time upgrade process
Video Display
1,920×1,200 with true color
Video Adapter
DirectX® 11 capable graphics card with Shader Model 3 as recommended by Autodesk
Disk Space
5GB free disk space
10,000RPM (for Point Cloud interactions) or Solid State Drive+
Pointing Device
MS-Mouse or 3Dconnexion® compliant device
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7.0 (or later
Citrix®: Recommended-Level Configuration
Citrix System
XenApp® 6.0
XenApp® 6.5 Feature Pack 2
Citrix® License Manager
Citrix® Profile Manager
Server OS
As specified by XenApp® system requirements
Microsoft® Active Directory
Roaming profiles supported
Client OS
Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1/8/8.1 x64
System requirements for Autodesk® Revit® Server 2015
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 R2 SP1/2012/2012 R2 x64
Web Server
Microsoft® Internet Information Server 7.0 (or later
CPU Type
+4 cores 2.6GHz+
+6 cores 2.6GHz+
+6 cores 3.0GHz+
(D<100 Concurrent Users (multiple models
Memory: Minimum 4GB RAM – Value 8GB RAM – Performance 16GB RAM
Hard drive: Minimum 7,200+RPM – Value 10,000+RPM – Performance 15,000+RPM
(P+100 Concurrent Users (multiple models
Memory: Minimum 8GB RAM – Value 16GB RAM – Performance 32GB RAM
Hard drive: Minimum 10,000+RPM – Value 15,000+RPM – Performance High-Speed RAID Array
Virtualization: VMware® and Hyper-V® Support (See Revit Server Administrator’s Guide
Refer to the attached document to learn more about using Autodesk Revit 2015, Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015, Autodesk Revit MEP 2015, or Autodesk Revit Structure 2015 software with Boot Camp, part of Mac OS X that enables you to install and run Microsoft Windows (and Windows-based applications) on a Mac® computer or with Parallels Desktop, a system utility available from Parallels, Inc. that allows you to run applications in each operating system without restarting your computer
Disclaimer: The Citrix application is network-based and performance of Autodesk Revit for Citrix software products may vary with network performance. The software does not include the Citrix application, nor does Autodesk provide direct support for issues with the Citrix application. Users should contact Citrix directly with questions related to procurement and operation of the Citrix application
Installation guide
First, run the executable file 001 sfx to extract the installation files in a folder. After starting the installation, click on Install; On the page related to the type of license and serial, and in the License Type section, the default option, which is Stand-Alone, must be selected. Use the following series for the Product Information section:
Also, in the Product Key section, enter the serial number in the text file, then continue and complete the installation. Disconnect your internet connection and run the program. After the Autodesk Licensing window is displayed, click on Activate and in the next step select Request an activation code using an offline method and continue and run the program again. Run the Keygen file in the Crack folder with Run as administrator and click on Patch. Then enter the serial given in the Request Code field in the relevant place in Keygen and click on Generate. In the license window, select the I have an activation code from Autodesk option and paste the code given in the Activation section by clicking on section 1 and click OK. If you get an error message, click Patch again.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
2.70 GB
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