Arclab Web Form Builder is an application software for easy creation of HTML and PHP forms, sending email as text, HTML with XML. HTML form builder supports single and multiple PHP forms with autoresponder and file upload. Using this program, you can create an email contact form, support form and custom email form on your computer and upload it to your site.
Features and features of Arclab Web Form Builder software:
- Creating and designing PHP contact us online form, registration form, multi-page form and other forms using a visual environment without any programming with knowledge of PHP and HTML.
- Customize the form by adding text input, dropdown list, date input and check box
- Support for radio buttons, attachments, pre-filled fields, smart input fields (age verification, email verification, password input) and…
- No need for any programming knowledge.
- Includes a multi-style security image as a challenge test to answer to ensure you are not a robot
- Adding a file upload element that allows the user to attach a file to the submission form
- Creating a single PHP file that contains all the page forms along with the script required for processing.
- No need for JavaScript and cookies
- The generated forms are based on HTML and PHP, which should be compatible with most web servers and browsers.
- Messages sent by users can be in the form of text, HTML or XML, supporting UTF-8
required system Arclab Web Form Builder software
Windows XP • Windows Vista • Windows 7 • Windows 7 64 bit • Windows 8 • Windows 8 64 bit • Windows 10
Arclab Web Form Builder software installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder or the key.txt file.
Version 5.4.3 was successfully installed and cracked on 8th December 1400 on Windows 10 64-bit edition.
download link
Download Arclab Web Form Builder 5.5.11
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
16 MB
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