AcadTopoPlan is a powerful plugin for CAD systems such as AutoCAD software, which focuses on civil engineers and organizations and individuals who are engaged in engineering and preparation of geodetic maps for the construction of industrial facilities. The geodetic mapping method refers to a set of methods that are used to determine and evaluate parameters directly or indirectly to express the geometric shape or the gravity field of the earth. Each project presents a set of unknown quantities for the expert surveyor based on its quality needs and demands.
Based on these unknowns, experts base a preliminary plan to determine the type and amount of information and the method of collecting this information. This information is prepared after collecting the assessment and a comprehensive map based on it, which is known as geodetic maps. For the ease of this work, various softwares have been released, and AcadTopoPlan is considered one of the most important softwares in this field. This product will be with you in all stages of data collection, analysis and visualization of the results.
This program is able to enter many parameters in a precise mathematical model based on the information provided and on the basis of the requested unknowns, and provides preliminary results from the so-called Pre-Analysis methods. These results will be more accurate by changing the fuzzy parameters by the user. At each stage of the calculations, the accuracy of the unknown parameters is determined. This program also provides you with good tools for calculations after the census, by which you can ensure the accuracy of the observations. AcadTopoPlan is available as a plugin for AutoCAD software and you will be able to draw accurate geodetic maps in a familiar environment.
required system
Installation guide
See the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
18 MB
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