Intel Parallel Studio is a software product from Intel company for optimal compilation of programs based on Fortran and C++ with parallel processing capabilities, in fact, Intel’s goal in providing this software package is to provide a programming environment with various capabilities including parallel processing is so that programmers can implement their programs in the most optimal mode and benefit from the maximum power and execution speed on Intel® Xeon® processors and Intel® Xeon Phi™ coprocessors. Considering that the manufacturer of Intel processors has provided this software, you can use this program with high confidence. This software includes various tools and libraries for multi-threading, mathematics and working with numbers, working with data and files. media and… to increase the speed of programming, it also has various profilers and analyzers to analyze and optimize the codes, in addition to this, the powerful debugger of this software cannot be ignored for troubleshooting the written codes, finally Intel Parallel Studio is a solution It is simple, fast and reliable for parallel programming for the next generation of processors.
Features and features of Intel Parallel Studio XE software:
- It has C/C++ and Fortran compilers
- Using C++ and Java library to increase the speed of data analysis
- Using the MKL math library for C++ and Fortran
- TBB multi-threaded library for C++
- IPP media and data library for C++ language
- Having thread debugger and memory monitor for C++ and Fortran
- Profiler to check program performance in C++, Fortran, C# and Java languages
- MPI library for C++ and Fortran
- ITAC MPI profiler and analyzer for C++ and Fortran
- Number manipulation library for Fortran
- And …
The collection of software in this collection:
– Intel C++ Compiler
– Intel Fortran Compiler
– Intel Data Analytics Acceleration Library (Intel DAAL)
– Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP)
– Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL)
– Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB)
– Intel-provided Debug Solutions
Intel Parallel Studio XE Professional Edition adds the following utilities:
– Intel VTune Amplifier XE
– Intel Advisor XE
– Intel Inspector XE
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition includes all previous tools plus:
– Intel MPI Library
– Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector
– Intel Cluster Checker
– Intel MPI Benchmarks
- This program is a complete replacement for Compaq Visual fortran.
- Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition adds support for distributed memory computing via Intel MPI Library, Intel MPI Benchmarks, and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector. Intel Cluster Checker provides cluster health monitoring tools.
Content of Intel Parallel Studio XE collection:
Composer Edition includes compilers, performance libraries, and parallel models optimized to build fast parallel code.
Professional Edition includes everything in the Composer edition. It adds performance profiler, threading design/prototyping, and memory & thread debugger to design, build, debug and tune fast parallel code.
Cluster Edition includes everything in the professional edition. It adds a MPI cluster communications library, along with MPI error checking and tuning to design, build, debug and tune fast parallel code that includes MPI.
This is the Composer Edition which includes compilers, performance libraries, and parallel models optimized to build fast parallel code
required system
System Requirements
Processor Requirements
Systems based on Intel® 64 architecture:
Intel® Core™ processor family or higher
Intel® Xeon® E5 v3 processor families recommended
Intel® Xeon® E7 v3 processor families recommended
NOTE: It is assumed that the processors listed above are configured into homogeneous clusters. For
Windows* OS, only processors based on the Intel® 64 architecture are supported.
Disk Space Requirements
100 GB of disk space (minimum)
NOTE: During the installation process, the installer may need up to 12 GB of temporary disk storage
to manage the intermediate installation files.
Operating System Requirements
The operating systems listed below are supported by all components on Intel® 64 Architecture.
Individual components may support additional operating systems and architecture
configurations. See the individual component release notes for full details.
Intel® Cluster Ready
Debian* 7.0, 8.0
Fedora* 21, 22
Red Hat Enterprise Linux* 5, 6, 7
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server* 11, 12
Ubuntu* 12.04 LTS, 13.10, 14.04 LTS, 15.04
Microsoft* Windows* 7, 8.x, 10
Microsoft* Windows* Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012
The Intel® MPI Library and Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector are supported on Intel® Cluster
Ready systems and HPC versions of the listed versions of Microsoft* Windows* Server. These
components are not supported on Ubuntu non-LTS systems.
Memory Requirements
2 GB RAM (minimum)
Additional Software Requirements
Development for a 32-bit on a 64-bit host may require optional library components (ia32-libs,
lib32gcc1, lib32stdc++6, libc6-dev-i386, gcc-multilib, g++-multilib) to be installed from your Linux
Installation guide
Install and activate the software using the license file in the Crack folder.
download link
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2020 Update 4 Windows x64
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2020 Update 4 Linux
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2020 Update 4 macOS
Download Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 4 All OS New License
Download Intel_Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2020 Update 4 Docs
Download Intel_Parallel Studio XE_All Licenses
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 Cluster Edition Update 5 Windows
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition 2019 Update 5 Linux
Download Intel Parallel Studio XE_All Licenses
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2018 Cluster Edition Update 4 Windows
Download Intel_Parallel Studio XE_All Licenses
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 Cluster Edition Update 8 Windows
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2017 Cluster Edition Update 8 Linux
Download Intel_Parallel Studio XE_All Licenses
Download Intel Visual Fortran Compiler 11.1.067 Windows
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
Windows version: 3.36 GB
Linux version: 3.12 GB
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