KAPPA Ecrin is a complete software set for dynamic data analysis, which provides all the necessary tools for this task in the field of advanced exploration and extraction of oil reservoirs. The most important software of this package is Saphir, which is used to analyze the transient behavior of pressure in oil tanks. This program is generally used for well testing that investigates and analyzes the behavior of the reservoir over time. The results of the well test have a great impact on identifying the real values of the reservoir parameters, and obtaining the real values of these changes after drilling the well provides engineers with an accurate and up-to-date model of the reservoir.
With this program, you can calculate reservoir efficiency indices and various parameters such as reservoir rock permeability, crust coefficient, well accumulation and many other parameters involved in reservoir changes over time. This specialized program basically works based on the pressure derivative curve which is based on time. Ambassador can be used for different reservoir modes such as horizontal wells, well interference, boundary pressure and dual porosity. Topaze NL is another software of this collection for transient flow analysis, which predicts the future performance of reservoirs and determines its characteristics by analyzing the drop curve. Ecrin has another software called Rubis for multi-purpose numerical modeling and finally Amethyste is a complete software for calculating the effects of uncertainty and the efficiency of oil wells.
Features and features of KAPPA Ecrin software:
- Advanced and attractive graphic environment
- Display the collected data on a graph
- Contains the best well testing tools
- Ability to analyze the transient behavior of reservoirs
- Ability to analyze transient flow
- The ability to numerically analyze and calculate the efficiency of oil wells
- The possibility of analyzing the permeability of reservoir rock
- Can be used for different modes of the tank
- And …
required system
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
This version has been installed and successfully activated on 27 April 1403 in Windows 10 64-bit edition.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
85 MB
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