Telegram is a social network software on Android for sending messages, images and videos that focuses on security and speed. Telegram can be synced among all your devices. You can use this software on desktop, tablet or phone. You can send an infinite number of photos, videos, messages or any other files in various formats through Nellgram. In Telegram, you can create groups with up to 200 members and send messages to 100 of them at the same time.
Features and features of the Telegram program:
Speed: Telegram is the fastest program in the field of sending messages because the manufacturer has spread its servers in most parts of the world so that you can connect to the closest possible server.
Security: Telegram’s software group has managed to create the most secure messaging software. All messages are encrypted in Telegram. Algorithms used in encryption have also been pre-tested.
Cloud storage: Telegram will sync easily among all your devices, so you can view the data you need with full security whenever you need.
Chatting and sharing in groups: Using this software, you will be able to create groups with 200 members and send messages to 100 of them at the same time, or share your videos and pictures with them. Subscribe.
Reliable: You can always trust Telegram to send your messages, even when you use low internet speed, Telegram works easily.
Telegram system requirements
Android 6.0 and up
Installation guide
There is no special point.
Telegram download link
Download Ita (the best Iranian Telegram alternative)
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
14 MB
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