LISCAD is a collection of software modules in the field Geology And civil engineering Is. The modularity of this software is to make it cost-effective, in such a way that customers buy only the modules they need and will not need to buy parts of the program that do not have much to do with it. This program can perform geographic calculations with high accuracy; There is no limit to the size of its models; The least squares method can be used for estimations; Conversion between two and three-dimensional modes can be done easily; You can get the volume of objects; You have the possibility to work on georeferenced images; You can make a 3D view of the desired model.
Using this program, it is possible to design and visualize any model and engineering idea. With the help of the tools of this program, you can perform mapping operations live and in real time with the help of Total Station mapping equipment or GNSS And hyperpoints with the ability to display, edit and digitize them instantly. LISCAD is a complete software solution in this field and the evidence of this is several thousand customers from 100 countries of the world. This program has received the opinion of many geological experts, surveying engineers and so on GIS and has attracted CAD systems, and most of this attention is due to the simple, attractive and easy-to-learn graphical interface of this product.
Features and features of LISCAD:
- Simple and understandable graphical environment
- Fast learning program
- Accurate geographic calculations
- Ability to define models of unlimited size
- Using the least squares method
- Ability to convert from 2D to 3D
- Calculate the volume of components
- 3D visualization
- Ability to connect to mapping devices and display and edit the map live
- And …
required system
Minimum System Requirements
Operating System:
Windows Vista (32bit or 64bit) with Service Pack 2
Windows 7 (32bit or 64bit) with Service Pack 1
Windows 8 (32bit or 64bit) Windows 8.1 (32bit or 64bit)
Windows 10 (32bit or 64bit)
CPU 1 GHz processor
Memory 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
Storage 200 MB install disk space; 8 GB free disk space
Graphics DirectX 9.0c compatible display adapter with 256 MB on-board or shared memory Improved performance results from exceeding these minimums. It is also recommended that you install the latest display adapter driver.
Installation guide
Read the Readme.txt file.
download link
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
78 MB
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