HyperSnap is a software for taking pictures of the desktop environment, which in the simplest and fastest way enables capturing the Windows screen, the game environment and even capturing text from places where it is not possible to copy text normally. In addition to various features for taking photos, this program has a complete editor for editing images, which eliminates the need for additional software to edit captured images. HyperSnap is designed very simply and has considered two styles of ribbon and classic mode for its user interface, which users can choose according to their personal taste. When taking pictures of long pages, such as web pages, or pages of a PDF file, etc., scrolling is done automatically until it reaches the end, and then the program produces and presents a final image to you with fast processing.
Features and features of the HyperSnap program:
- Taking pictures of any part of the screen, even the screens that are displayed in an array of monitors, with any size and shape…
- Complete tools for image editing, annotating and managing captured images
- Capturing editable texts from almost anywhere in Windows, even places where you cannot normally copy that text
- The possibility of using stamps, frames, shadows, etc. for images
- Ability to upload files to FTP server
- Automatic placement of colors
- Ability to capture non-rectangular windows
- Integrating with the Windows clipboard to perform a series of repetitive tasks automatically and faster
- Automatic scrolling when taking pictures or long web pages
- Automatic saving of captured images
- Convert and save images in 20 different formats
- The ability to customize the program’s user interface, menus, toolbars, as well as assigning shortcut keys for most operations
- And …
required system
Any computer running Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 (including R2) or newer, 32 bit and 64 bit releases. 100 MB of free disk space is needed to install the program (about 25 MB is actually used after the installation finishes).
Installation guide
It is in the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
download link
Download HyperSnap 8.24.03 x86
Download HyperSnap 8.24.03 x64
Download HyperSnap 8.24.01 Portable x64
Download HyperSnap 8.24.00 Portable
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
32-bit version: 20 MB
64-bit version: 22 MB
Portable version: 14 MB
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