Power GEOPAK is a product of the company Bentley For 3D design, analysis and simulation of road transport routes. By using the facilities provided by GEOPAK, you will be able to design, analyze and simulate all types of roads, highways, minor roads, highways, etc. This program guarantees design quality and reduction of production time, and by relying on new engineering methods and 3D modeling and related technologies, it tries to increase the quality of the final work and engineers have a better perspective of the final design that must be implemented. . This unique product will definitely be one of the top choices of road and civil engineers.
Features and features of Power GEOPAK software:
- Visual design of roads, streets and roads with high accuracy and quality
- Working with all types of surface evaluation data, including ASCII, GPS, LiDAR, photometric and…
- Create profiles and intersection lines at any point of the design
- Instant display of applied changes in the design
- The possibility of building roads based on GIS data and analyzing and visualizing these data
- The ability to build all kinds of roads and streets at different levels of complexity
- Creation of all kinds of paper and digital reports such as paper plots, PDF files or 3D physical models
- The possibility of noting different parts of the design
- The ability to combine topological and aerial images to make road maps more realistic and accurate
- Design, modeling and complete analysis of urban sewage systems
- The possibility of reusing designs made in new projects
- Interesting ability to simulate the movement of vehicles with a certain amount of time on the designed roads and routes
- And …
System requirements GEOPAK
OS Platform:
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or later), Windows XP Professional x64, Windows Server 2003 (Service Pack 1 or later), and Windows Server 2003 x64 (Service Pack 1 or later).
Software Prerequisites:
Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 (Installer will attempt to download and install this prerequisite if it is not present during installation.)
As per minimum operating system requirements
As per minimum operating system requirements (1GB or more is recommended for large networks, or to work on multiple files simultaneously)
1024 MB of free storage space, with additional room for data files
1024 x 768 resolution, 256 colors (or better)
Installation guide
See the Readme.txt file in the Crack folder.
download link
Download Bentley GEOPAK Civil Engineering Suite V8i v08.11.09.903
Bentley Power GEOPAK V8i SS4
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
1.42 GB
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