Materials Studio is a powerful software for molecular simulation. Chemists and researchers and students of chemistry can use this program to study various molecular structures such as polymers (dendrimers, alloys, copolymers, homopolymers), nanostructures such as carbon nanotubes, nanomechanical equipment, various organic and inorganic compounds and crystals, layered structures. and simulate… Users can perform all mentioned structures in different molecular states to measure electronic structure, measure static and dynamic structures. This program is able to perform a variety of famous and important simulations, including quantum simulations that include topics such as finding the optimal structure, finding the transition state by DFT and Fock techniques.
Also, molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo can be used for simulation at the molecular level. Other simulations such as DPD simulation, vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid gaseous equilibria can also be performed in this program. One of the important features of this program is its modular structure. All the mentioned simulations are done by different modules. The modules consist of three sections: installation and configuration, execution and analysis, which can be used to prepare the simulation output file, run the simulation, and finally see the results of its analysis.
The program is designed graphically and includes all molecular structures and final analyzes with 3D graphics, which makes for a better understanding of the presented structures and analyses. This program is able to provide useful predictions about the effectiveness of the actions of substances and their behavior in chemical compounds. It has powerful statistical tools to display complex molecular relationships and has a large database of different materials, which makes you completely unnecessary of additional tools. The use of this software will reduce manual calculations and repetitive tasks to a minimum, which in the long run will reduce the costs and risk of projects.
required system Materials Studio
System Requirements
OS Windows: Microsoft Windows 11/10 Professional/Enterprise
OS Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6
CPU: Intel Core i5 or equivalent
Display: 1366×768 display resolution 24-bit
Images by Materials Studio
Installation guide
It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
The 2017 version has been installed and successfully activated on Windows 10 64-bit edition on November 5, 1400.
download link
DS BIOVIA Materials Studio 2023 v23.1.0.3829 x64
Download DS BIOVIA Materials Studio 2023 v23.1.0.3829 x64 LINUX
DS BIOVIA Materials Studio 2020 v20.1.0.2728 x64
DS BIOVIA Materials Studio 2017 x86
DS BIOVIA Materials Studio 2017 Linux
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
Windows version: 2.07 GB
Linux version: 929 MB
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