ImageKitthe name of another VCL of Almediadev company for Delphi and C++Builder. VCL or Visual Component Library refers to image-based components that are used to design the user interface of Windows applications. ImageKit VCL is a GPU-based framework for image processing and graphics rendering that can be used by Delphi language developers. The advantage of this component is that it hides the details and difficulties of low-level graphics processing and provides an easy interface for programming.
This component provides you with dozens of ready-made filters that you can modify and adjust each filter according to your needs by adjusting its input parameters. It is also possible to chain filters so that the output of one filter is the input of another, which enables you to combine filters and make maximum use of them. 2D and 3D conversions, rendering using high-level DirectX 10, support for 64-bit architecture, and many other features of this component.
Features and features of ImageKit VCL
- GPU-based image processing and graphics rendering
- Dozens of pre-designed filters
- Ability to work in VCL, GDI and GDI+ modes
- Advanced GPU-based image control
- 2D and 3D conversions
- Special animator class for features in any third-party control (fluent animators)
- Advanced page view control with 3D page changing effects
- Support for new high-level VCL styling and styling for each control in the transition engine
- Support for 64-bit architecture
- And …
required system
- Delphi XE3 – 11 Alexandria (32-bit + 64-bit)
- C++Builder XE3 – 11 Alexandria (32-bit + 64-bit)
Installation guide
Read the Readme file included in the package.
download link
Download ImageKit VCL 1.40 for Delphi XE3 – 11 Alexandria
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
9.3 MB
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