This program includes a calendar, a date converter, and a compass. By using this simple, small and efficient program, you can easily have full access to Islamic dates and times. You can also use simple and beautiful widgets that have been made available for greater convenience. It is also possible to use the compass and qibla view of this program using your phone’s sensors. You can also have the date always in the notification bar, which can be easily removed.
Features and features of Persian Calendar:
- The date notification persistent bar can be removed through the settings.
- Sharia and Qibla times can be used by setting the city in the program settings.
- In Android 4 and above, you can add an event to the Google calendar on the phone by long pressing on the days.
- This app supports DashClock.
- This program is written as personal, independent, free and open source.
Changes in the latest version of Persian Calendar 4.1.2:
* Fixing the problem of today’s home color in old phones
More information about Persian Calendar at Google Play page look.
required system
Android 2.1 and above
Installation guide
Download the placed file, transfer it to your device and install it. If you encounter an error, delete the previous version and reinstall the new version.
download link
Download Persian Calendar 4.1.2
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
467 KB
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