BIOVIA Discovery Studio is the original version of BIOVIA for predictive sciences and modeling and simulation in life sciences. BIOVIA Discovery Studio includes the highly efficient molecular mechanics simulation program CHARMm. With more than 30 years A rigorous review of academic research, CHARMm has been developed with a primary focus on studying proteins, peptides, small molecule ligands, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates. For studies based on quantum mechanics, this software includes the DMol3 program. DMol3 is a DFT program with a long track record of successful commercial applications. Using its unique approach to solving the quantum mechanical equations, DMol3 is one of the fastest methods available for performing calculations, an advantage that is especially evident for larger systems, which have more than 500 atoms.
Facilities and features of BIOVIA Discovery Studio collection:
- Molecular mechanics (MM) calculations using CHARMm c41b1
- Support for a wide variety of force fields, including CGenFF, charmm36, charmm27, charmm22, CHARMm, CHARMm-polarH, CFF, MMFF and more
- Full support for CHARMM partition mechanism and support for custom invalid definition
- Perform fast and accurate ionization of protein and residue pKs using the born CHARMm (GB) solvent model
- A rapid drinking water solvent method with optional counterions suitable for very large molecular systems
- Perform either explicit solvent or solvent-based molecular mechanics (MM) minimization based on GB
- Perform an explicit solvent or solvent-based molecular dynamics simulation
- Add an implicit membrane to the protein structure to be able to formulate simulation models based on the force field
- Use CDOCKER, a CHARMm-based docking engine to perform flexible ligand-based docking and docking refinement.
required system
Operating System
OS: Windows 10 / Windows Server 2019 / Windows Server 2016
CPU: Intel-compatible x86_64 architecture
RAM: 4 GB per core
Space: 70 to 80 GB
Installation guide
It is given in the readme file.
In the case of version 3, as mentioned in the Readme file, the modules are installed according to the selected license.
Attention: In the version of Pipeline Pilot 2024, the Discovery collection package (Discovery server) is not available.
Install 2024 v24.1.0.334: If you encounter a server error after installation, first go to “C:Program FilesBIOVIAPPSinstall” and create a folder called disk1. Then the apache2common.dll file from the path:
Copy C:Program FilesBIOVIAPPSappsscitegicwebsvcbinwin64 to the path “C:Program FilesBIOVIAPPSbin”. Run the scitegicsetup.exe file from the bin folder. Select the Reinstall/Repair option. In the module section, tick each one you need and click Next to start the installation. After starting the installation, enter the “C:Program FilesBIOVIAPPSappsscitegiccorebinwin64” folder, when the “lpl.dll” file is created, copy the lpl.dll file in the crack folder and replace it. After the installation is completed, the following message will appear in the opened window (according to the picture above):
Your Apache service name is: BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot 24.1.0 Service (Httpd)
Click Next, then a page will open in the browser, which will show you the default user and password (scitegicadmin), use it to enter the server and also the software.
If you are asked for server details after running the software. In front of the ports, put localhost (according to the picture above)
The 2016 version has been installed and activated successfully in Windows 10 64-bit on November 25, 1996.
Version 2024 v24.1.0.334 Installed and successfully activated on Windows 10 64-bit on 6D1402.
download link
BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot 2024 v24.1.0.334 x64
Download DS BIOVIA Discovery Studio Client 2024 v24.1.0.23
DS BIOVIA Pipeline Pilot Server (Incl. Discovery Studio Server) 2016 v16.1.0 x64
Download DS BIOVIA Discovery Studio Client 2016 v16.1.0.15350
BIOVIA Discovery Studio 3.0 x86
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
8.48 GB
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