Direct Oracle Access is a component set that helps you develop Oracle applications better by combining and integrating Delphi database system and development tools and C++ Builder. This suite not only provides the capabilities of both products to your applications, but also helps Internet transaction and batch processing software to benefit from Oracle’s capabilities.
As it is known from the name Direct Oracle Access, this set has direct access to the Oracle interface, which makes it possible to access the standard database with the best quality. This component also supports the features of Array Fetching, Array DML, PL/SQL Blocks, PL/SQL Tables, Local Statement Caching and Direct Path Load Engine and allows you to perform the essential functions of your software more than Always optimize.
Features and features of the Direct Oracle Access component set:
- Easy distribution of software
- Package support oracle
- Has TOracleDataSet capability
- Using Query By Example mode
- Monitoring and controlling Oracle database access activities
- Contains SQL scripts
- Professional alignment
required system
Delphi 10.1-10.3
Installation guide
Use the Serial.txt file to register.
download link
Download Direct Oracle Access 4.1.3 for Delphi 10.3 Rio and C++Builder 10.3 Rio
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
13.4 MB
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