Additive , is the name of the very powerful software of ANSYS company in the field of engineering and specialization. The software in front of you is used to simulate additive manufacturing. By means of this software, you will be able to proceed through a workflow for your simulation and modeling. Also, this software will help you to be more successful and better in developing and researching your goals. With Additive, you will be able to simulate and model objects in 3D.
As you have probably heard in recent years, the technology of printing and duplicating objects in 3D form is progressing, this software also works in the same field and provides you with the necessary conditions for the initial simulation and development of its working conditions. Is. The working process of this software is such that the user prepares a 3D digital sample ready for printing and reproduction. The software in front of you is one of the most advanced software available in this field.
Features and features of ANSYS Additive software:
- Benefit from a very powerful user interface
- Using useful and necessary tools to make your work easier
- The possibility of 3D simulation and modeling for printing and reproduction
- Ability to view the complete workflow and analyze it
- Benefiting from the ability to simulate the printing process, which informs you of the quality of the output
- Ability to develop and explore in order to better understand the material
- It can be used in very wide dimensions such as the aircraft manufacturing industry and…
- Creation and production of new materials with unique properties
- And…
required system
Operating Systems
Windows 10
Windows 8/8.1
Windows 7
Installation guide
Read the Readme files in the Crack folder.
download link
ANSYS Additive 2019 R2.2 x64 Multilingual
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
2.6 GB
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