RSPile, one of the products of Rocscience, is a software that automatically calculates pile capacities at different locations for different types of piles and produces the results in a table and a series of graphs. This feature not only provides you with surface friction and ultimate tip strength, but also helps apply various safety factors to determine the allowable capacity of the piles. Analysis of in-situ piles is different from other options due to its focus on calculating the ultimate capacity of the pile in resisting the applied load. The candles themselves are also different. Unlike precast piles, in-situ piles are created by drilling a borehole for a reinforced concrete pile and pouring concrete in place. With the in-place candles option, it allows you to consider more options than analyzing single or group candles.
In order to properly analyze a pile foundation under lateral load in soil or rock, a nonlinear relationship must be applied that considers the soil resistance as a function of pile deflection. For this type of analysis, the main parameter to be taken from the soil, the coefficient reaction Is. It is defined as the soil resistance at a point along the pile depth divided by the horizontal deflection of the pile at that point. RSPile defines this modulus of reaction (Epy) using the p-y curve. The p-y curves are created at certain depths, which show that the soil reaction modulus is a function of the pile deflection (y) and the depth below the ground surface (Z).
Features and features of Rocscience RSPile software:
- Lateral and axial analysis
- Analysis of pile capacity
- Analysis of a set of candles
- Analysis of load and bearing capacity of both prefabricated and in-situ piles. Candle analysis methods based on Driven software. In situ pile analysis based on several available methods for non-cohesive soils, cohesive soils and weak rocks
- Analyze a group of candles connected by a cap. Design complex candle group models where each candle can be a different candle type that includes multiple sections.
- Analysis of the percussion candle
required system
Operating System
Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 11 (64-bit)
Minimum requirement: 8 GB
Recommended requirement: 16 GB
Hard disk space
100GB hard disk space
Installation guide
It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
download link
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