Symantec Ghost Federtmand software name in the field Backup It is from the product information of the famous company Symantec. This software allows you to create backup images of specific folders, partitions or even an entire disk. Hard drive failure, hardware and software problems are common cases that lead to the lack of access to a system or its complete failure, and the only way to restore the previous system is to have a complete system backup of which Symantec Ghost is one of the software. It is considered a powerful and easy software for this purpose. This program is offered as a Boot CD, which provides the ability to run on any system even without an operating system due to its programming type.
This program can be backed up on various devices such as CD or DVD, external hard drive, etc. Also, capabilities such as scheduling incremental backups are among the other top features of this software, through which you can periodically add only the things that have changed to your previous backup. This software also provides another important feature called LightsOut Restore, which allows resetting the system from the disk itself. It is also possible to create a virtual disk compatible with VMWare and Microsoft formats.
Features and features of Symantec Ghost
- Full system backup
- Backup of specified partitions or folders
- Backup on CD, DVD, external hard drive
- Scheduled backups or based on specified changes
- Reset from the hard drive or by creating a virtual hard drive compatible with VMWare and Microsoft formats
- And …
required system
Operating System
Windows 7/8/10 – both 32-bit & 64-bit
RAM: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more
Hardware: DVD or CD drive
Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework
Installation guide
This program is in the form of an iso image that you have to burn on a CD, DVD or flash drive and then boot the system with it
download link
Download Symantec Ghost Boot CD Win11 x64
Download Symantec Ghost Boot CD Win10 x64
Download Symantec Ghost Boot CD x86
Password file(s): www.downloadly.ir
32-bit version: 307 MB
64-bit version: 429 MB
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