SKM Power*Tools is a comprehensive software for electrical engineering and advanced analysis and design of the power system, which has been published exclusively for Windows users. SKM Systems Analysis is one of the leading companies in the field of designing and developing electrical engineering software and tools and has been developing similar software since 1972. This company has more than 45 thousand real and legal customers all over the world and is one of the most popular software companies in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. This company has produced various softwares that are used in the sub-branches of error checking and calculation, load distribution and flow, electric arc-flash arc hazards, generator starter, transient stability, checking the reliability of systems, cabling, etc.
SKM company’s softwares are of general use and are used in business units, small and large industrial sites, educational institutions and universities, basic and applied industries, petrochemical sites, etc.
Features and features of SKM Power*Tools software:
- Simple and smooth user interface
- Analyzing all the different aspects of starting the engine and checking possible scenarios and errors
- Calculate the amount of energy released in different events
- Simulation of resonance and total harmonic distortion in industrial and commercial power systems
- Evaluation and comparison of different security equipment and systems
- Error analysis
- Analysis of direct current systems
- Designing safer and more stable systems by implementing the standards and prerequisites of NEC 110.16, NFPA 70E, IEEE 1584, NESC (OSHA 1910.269 Appendix E) and…
required system
Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
Installation guide
It is given in the Readme file in the Crack folder.
download link
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470 MB
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